The 1968-1978 LMU Memories in Pictures
I am going
to go back and grab some memories through pictures and newspaper
Many of these pics are just from the 1974 LMU catalog. I have more.
It is unbelievable to me that with this being the year that America, built partially on the cruelty of slavery, is in the process of electing an African American President of the United States that Lincoln Memorial University has never taken the time to recognize the fact that it took 102 years after it's formation for an African American, great granddaughter of a slave, to enter it's walls. I was a part of that event and have always felt that it should have been something the university should either be proud or ashamed of rather that totally disregard. I have strong feelings that the university has shyed away from this fact because of it being ashamed, and after attending a very sparse Melungeon gathering on the Campus of Lincoln Memorial University this past summer would think that is the way it will remain until a group of concerned alumni voice their concern.I also notice that the Claiborne County Democratic party has not come out publicly in support of our Presidential candidate. Is this another instance of neglect or being ashamed of it's background of not really supporting equal rights

Congratulations to the 1975-1976 LMU Railsplitters Basketball Team who were honored at the February 17th LMU Basketball game. I was in several on stage plays during my return to LMU 1975-1978 and enjoyed their company.
Coach Jackson was a star play in 1957 and 1958 at Lone Jack High School. He was also inducted into Cumberland College's Hall of Fame in 1997. Coach Jackson and his son lost their lives while fishing in the Gulf in 1979 after he left LMU.
There was history on this page but no one seems to be aware of it.
Well I started out
like wildfire but I found out that the big guy had the SANDBOX and all I had was the CONCRETE MIXER. I decided to quit and come back when I was more serious. I was Freshman Class Officer 1967. I ended up in the wrong studs stable and I didn't like the BIG CAT playing in my SANDBOX anyway.
Little Jimmy
Wilson, one of Middlesboro's comedians.
Now isn't that better?
The basketball
team. The focus of the school spirit.
They must have
gone back for this one. Mary Jo Marino graduated years before this, I
Sister Betsy and
Teri watching the baseball team no doubt
The Colonel has
come to bestow his blessings and all that cash on LMU. I wrote two of
my research papers on Kentucky Fried Chicken. Still have them. Went
over and interviewed Roy Shoffner.
Little Judy Eaton.
What ever happened to Judy? Married a preacher I heard.
Ugly? Well speak
for yourself. I was the studious type.
Every little
breeze seems to whisper Louise, or is that Nancy?
My mentor while a
student at LMU was Cynthia Welch. She was my instructor in several of
my Business courses and was always trying to "fix me up". She almost
married me off and would have been my saving grace at the time had she
been successful.
I ended up working
three jobs before I got through. The mustache, long hair and pants
signify the 70's and also were requirements of the first Dinner Theater
stage play, "The Rainmaker" where I played the father of "Lizzie", H.C.
Curry and Thomas Putnam in "The Crucible".
Finally in the
summer of 1978 that Big Day came. Graduation, how do you spell relief?

All my
family attended. Betsy had already graduated from the University
of Tennessee and my brother had beat me through LMU by two years.
Better late than never. Sorry Phil.