Vacation in 1955 from Tazewell to Florida, with a few extra pictures.

I found an old roll or two of film and had them developed. Following are most of what were on them. Hope you enjoy St. Augustine Florida, 1955.

Reunion at Grandmother Mattie Paynes in Lone Mountain Tennessee.
Top right to left. Aunt Mildred Payne Bumgardner, Uncle John Tom Payne, Aunt Beatrice Payne Archer, Uncle Lafayette Payne, Jr., Aunt Lucille Payne Robinson, my father Al George Payne and daughter Betsy Payne Blackstock and grandmother Mattie Livesay Payne. Picture taken 1954. In the background I think is Cissy Payne, daughter of John Tom.
Betsy Payne at grandmother Paynes.
Early Sunday morning at Tazewell United Methodist Church.
Betsy dressed up for Easter Sunday 1955.
Joe Payne and sister Betsy getting ready to leave for Church.
Joe in his Easter Sunday best.
Betsy and Joe Payne ready for Easter Sunday.
Joe Payne in his brother George Eddie Paynes MG TD with his rat terrior Pogo.
Betsy and Joe with mother Betty Phillips Payne at Marineland near Saint Augustine, Florida. Visit to Betty's sister Ruth Phillips Avent in Jacksonville, Florida, 1955
Marineland of Florida, one of Florida's first theme parks, is billed as "the world's first oceanarium". Today it is no longer an operating theme park but still functions as a research and education institution. Cousin Jackie Avent is also with us.
St. Augustine Florida was originally called Fort Caroline then Castillo de San Mateo. Since the beginning of its construction in 1672, the Castillo de San Marcos has played an important role as a strategic military post in the New World.
Approximately 35 miles south of Jacksonville is where the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon is believed to have come ashore on April 2, 1513 in search of an elusive fountain of youth. The Landmark Cross, consisting of 27 different stone slabs, is on display.

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